The World’s First Portable Instant Testing & Monitoring Systems
Bringing soil and water testing to the farmer’s doorstep – our AgriTMS® device helps farmers save time, money and gives them instant farming information to act upon. This promotes the healthy practice of regular soil and water testing for their farm.
The AgriTMS® device is designed for the needs of farmers, especially those located in remote regions, with limited access to testing labs.
Delivering a Dynamic Package of Practices to farmers
Makes regular soil and water testing affordable for small and medium land-holding farmers
Saving on water and fertiliser cost for farmers, thus helping improve profitability of their farms
Helps monitor water quality as an essential farming input
Increase in crop yield due to better soil and water resource management
Gives reliable, stable and accurate soil & water test data to plan agricultural activities and make
Trend analysis of soil and water health becomes possible​
Ideal for small, medium to large-scale farms
Ideal for plant nurseries
Ideal for soil & water testing by local communities and governments, especially after monsoons
or summer
Use at composting plants, to avoid excess salt buildup in compost soils
Ideal for landscape gardening, such as golf courses, sports grounds etc
Use at hydroponic farms
Delivering reliable, accurate and standardized real-time results of your soil and water quality
Use as a universal meter for accurate pH and EC testing in laboratories, agricultural universities
and horticultural institutes​
Agriculture accounts for 11% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Everything from fuel and electricity use on farms, to managing manure and soil, to livestock and poultry management produces GHGs.
The starting point to reducing agricultural GHG emissions is understanding the current carbon footprint of the farm. Our Carbonbox is that starting point, planned for the next iteration of our AgriTMS® device.
Carbonbox unlocks climate finance for farmers. For the first time ever, carbon sequestration can be accurately and quantifiably measured – so it can be accepted at CCEs (carbon credit exchanges). This will encourage more farmers to switch to sustainable farming practices which boost soil carbon sequestration, thus making sustainable farming economically attractive for every farmer, regardless of their farm size.
Our Carbonbox will
Use Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to calculate carbon rating, including measuring Total Organic Carbon (TOC).
Reward farmers to sequester carbon while improving soil health and resilience.
Make carbon sequestration measurable for farmers, thus linking their operations to the Circular Carbon Economy.
Upload data with traceability onto Carbon Credit Exchanges (CCE) where digital carbon offsetting exchange for spot price, and voluntary carbon credit trading is done.​